jumiso all day vitamin serum garden shot

For the last month, I have been using the Jumiso All Day Vitamin Brightening & Balancing Facial Serum. The brand reached out and offered me the product — plus a nice selection of Jumiso swag — in exchange for my honest opinion. If you follow me on Instagram, then you've likely peeped my weekly check-ins via my Stories. But I've so much more to share!

Before we begin…

  • I apologize in advance for less-than-stellar in lighting in some of my progress photos. Moving forward, I am going to do a much better job of securing a set spot for my self portraits for max consistency.
  • Although Jumiso was so kind to gift me with this serum, all opinions expressed here are my own .

What is the Jumiso All Day Vitamin Brightening Serum?

The Jumiso All Day Vitamin Serum is an updated version of the now-discontinued Drop the Vita C Facial Serum, which I've never tried. This latest iteration of the formula is more stable, and per the company, customer reviews for the Drop the Vita C were taken into consideration in crafting this new product.

jumiso vitamin serum quote
c/o Style Korean/Jumiso

It's worth noting that the All Day Vitamin Serum isn't a straight-up vitamin C product, similar to the Ole Henriksen Truth Serum I reviewed several weeks back. Unlike the Truth Serum and its True-C Complex, however, Jumiso's formula contains a complex of A, B, D, E, and K vitamins, in addition to vitamin C.

jumiso all day vitamin serum ingredients list
c/o Style Korean/Jumiso

Vitamin Tree?

As for the source of that vitamin C, the lead ingredient is Hippophae Rhamnoides Fruit Extract. Jumiso refers to it by the colloquial name Vitamin Tree, also known as sea buckthorn. Per Paula's Choice, sea buckthorn has AHA-like qualities and is a rich source of vitamin C; however, a lot of that C-potency is lost when processed. Given the aim of Jumiso with this product — "a more stable vitamin serum" — it seems like a sensible ingredient choice*. Per Jumiso, the All Day Vitamin Brightening Serum contains a concentration of 86.14% Vitamin Tree.

*A friendly reminder that I am not a scientist.

Niacinamide, too

The Jumiso All Day Vitamin Brightening Serum also contains niacinamide — 20,000 ppm, to be exact. That seems like a lot. However, it converts to 2% concentration in a standard 30mL bottle. (Those with a heightened sensitivity to this ingredient, or sensitive skin in general, should be okay here.)

Other featured players:

  • Sodium Hyaluronate (hydration)
    • Jumiso calls it Hyaluronic Acid in its promo materials, but the ingredients list notes Sodium Hyaluronate. They are similar, but not the same!
  • Centella Asiatica (soothe)
  • Chamomilla Recutita, or Matricaria (remove inflammation)

My month with the Jumiso Brightening Serum

I started my Jumiso regimen after a month with the Ole Henriksen Truth Serum, which I liked, but felt ready to graduate from it. It's perhaps for the best that both serums are stabilized-C products. It was hard to get a clear reading of the Truth Serum's concentration figures, but in the case of the Jumiso All Day Vitamin Serum, it's majority sea buckthorn/Vitamin Tree (which, again, loses its potency in production, so take that for what it's worth).

How I used this product

I used the Jumiso serum strictly in the evening. It'd often be the penultimate step in my routine, before moisturizer. Per Jumiso, this is to be applied in the "essence stage." I would apply it after toner + Cosrx's Snail Mucin Power Essence. On the few nights I masked in March, I'd apply the Jumiso serum after that.

My progress, in photos

Day 0
After 1 week

(As we can see, in a week I started to battle some new breakouts. I'll elaborate on that in a bit.)

After 2 weeks

(I kinda flubbed by angles here, but notice the difference in my chin already.)

After 3 weeks

(I started to fudge up the lighting here a bit. And my left profile has some noticeable spots.)

After 4 weeks

(Again, I could have done better with the lighting here, but you can see some of those spots fade on the left at this point.)

What I liked

First, I prefer the texture of the Jumiso serum to the gel-like Ole Henriksen Truth Serum. The latter was heavier and often sticky. Jumiso's Brightening Serum didn't have that some consistency. It left my face glowing upon application, but without feeling oily.

Also, the Jumiso serum didn't have a distinct smell. Now, I'm for a good scent in my skincare, and the Truth Serum smelled like someone shoved a couple of orange slices up my nose. (Not a complaint, really.) But I like that the Jumiso serum was, overall, inoffensive.

What could have been better

Now, I feel like I'm responsible for hindering the efficacy of the Jumiso serum in several ways:

  • Jumiso recommends using this serum twice a day for marked results. I tend to keep my AM routine rather light most days, so I used this exclusively at night. Could I have been getting more from this serum by abiding by this recommended use of twice a day?
  • Around this time, I started playing with AHA and BHA toners in the AM, another reason I was keen on saving the Jumiso serum for the PM. However, I'm sure my introduction of these acids, which I otherwise used infrequently, caused some bumps (heh heh) in the road in regards to my desired results with this serum. I've been re-configuring my AM routine and those toners' place in it. Skincare really is a process, huh?

As for the serum itself? I've no real qualms with it. I feel it did a decent job of fading some of those stubborn acne scars while battling newer pimples. But I'm wondering if I could have been harnessing its power more effectively. I mean, it isn't straight-up vitamin C, so I'm not going to see life-changing results immediately. (Nor am I going to burn my face off, which is always good.)


I am going to give this serum another month of testing, and I will be following up here when I'm finished.

In this second go-around, I'll be using the Jumiso Brightening Vitamin Serum in the AM and PM. I'll hold off on using those AHA and BHA toners (unless I'm okay to use them simultaneously – someone please help me here!).

And for the love of God,I will take better progress photos. It's what you, the fine readers of this blog, deserve.

Try Jumiso's new Brightening Serum yourself:

Available worldwide from Style Korean

Now over to you…

Have you used the Jumiso All Day Vitamin Brightening Serum? Was your experience anything like mine? (Especially curious to know if you've oily/dehydrated skin, like I do.) Share your thoughts, and also any questions if there's anything I may not have clarified or touched upon.

Once again, thank you to Jumiso for selecting me as one of its Vitaminers. I appreciate your putting trust in me to craft a sufficient review.

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I am not a professional. All opinions are my own.